
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

When is a baby not a baby (Cliff Notes for a friend)

Maybe you don't feel like you can make it without your mom's help so that you have to have a baby, or maybe you have some other reason you don't want to talk about. If your only reason is that you lack info – you don't know where to get an abortion, or how to afford it, or how to work out the details, then you have options, and we've done the research, and you can check everything we say.
There are 5 clinics in Northern California that perform abortions up to 24 weeks, and Medi-cal will pay for it.
3 hotlines to see if this is true are:
·             National Abortion Federation Hotline 1-800-772-9100 (M-F 9am-11pm EDT, Sat/Sun 9am-9pm), or
·             Backline  1.888.493.0092 (M-Th 5-10pm, F-Su 10am-3pm), or
·             ACCESS hotline, 1-800-376-4636
Is it ethical?
·             Based on the best available scientific evidence, a human fetus probably does not have the functional capacity to experience pain until the 29th week of pregnancy at the earliest.
·             The best quality studies indicate no significant differences in long-term mental health between women in the United States who choose to terminate a pregnancy and those who do not, but emotional attachment to the pregnancy, lack of support, and conservative views on abortion, may increase the likelihood of experiencing negative reactions.
·             Most states define viability at 24 or 26 weeks, and science supports this. For every scientific claim made above we give sources.
Is it practical?
·             Here in Northern California there is 1 clinic that will do abortions up to  22 weeks, 2 more up to 23 weeks, and 5 more up to 24 weeks. ALL TAKE MEDI-CAL. Phone numbers are below for you to call and check. (There are clinics in other states that go to 26 weeks, for which you'll need alternate funding.)
·             You qualify for a special fast Medi-cal process for enrollment and funding because you're pregnant. Call ACCESS, to see if this is true. To actually get it, many clinics will help you. Call the clinic. You can also do it yourself by following the instructions below, and ACCESS can help if you have any problems (like if the county worker doesn't know about the fast process for pregnant women).
·             In fact, ACCESS can answer questions and help with all of the practical issues - referrals, getting Medi-cal, rides, childcare, meals, a place to stay, etc. Call them. The other 2 hotlines can help too and if they can't...
·             We have researched transportation options, so we can help with that, including paying for transportation, and you can eat and stay with us during it and recovery.
Options, if you want them. Your life. Your decision.

<!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal.dotm steve nunya 2 1 1601-01-01T00:00:00Z 2014-04-02T12:15:00Z 2014-04-02T12:15:00Z 1 372 2121 nunya bisno llc 17 4 2604 12.0 <![endif]
Maybe you don't feel like you can make it without your mom's help so that you have to have a baby, or maybe you have some other reason you don't want to talk about. If your only reason is that you lack info – you don't know where to get an abortion, or how to afford it, or how to work out the details, then you have options, and we've done the research, and you can check everything we say.
There are 5 clinics in Northern California that perform abortions up to 24 weeks, and Medi-cal will pay for it.
3 hotlines to see if this is true are:
<![if !supportLists]>·             <![endif]>National Abortion Federation Hotline 1-800-772-9100 (M-F 9am-11pm EDT, Sat/Sun 9am-9pm), or
<![if !supportLists]>·             <![endif]>Backline  1.888.493.0092 (M-Th 5-10pm, F-Su 10am-3pm), or
<![if !supportLists]>·             <![endif]>ACCESS hotline, 1-800-376-4636
Is it ethical?
<![if !supportLists]>·             <![endif]>Based on the best available scientific evidence, a human fetus probably does not have the functional capacity to experience pain until the 29th week of pregnancy at the earliest.
<![if !supportLists]>·             <![endif]>The best quality studies indicate no significant differences in long-term mental health between women in the United States who choose to terminate a pregnancy and those who do not, but emotional attachment to the pregnancy, lack of support, and conservative views on abortion, may increase the likelihood of experiencing negative reactions.
<![if !supportLists]>·             <![endif]>Most states define viability at 24 or 26 weeks, and science supports this. For every scientific claim made above we give sources.
Is it practical?
<![if !supportLists]>·             <![endif]>Here in Northern California there is 1 clinic that will do abortions up to  22 weeks, 2 more up to 23 weeks, and 5 more up to 24 weeks. ALL TAKE MEDI-CAL. Phone numbers are below for you to call and check. (There are clinics in other states that go to 26 weeks, for which you'll need alternate funding.)
<![if !supportLists]>·             <![endif]>You qualify for a special fast Medi-cal process for enrollment and funding because you're pregnant. Call ACCESS, to see if this is true. To actually get it, many clinics will help you. Call the clinic. You can also do it yourself by following the instructions below, and ACCESS can help if you have any problems (like if the county worker doesn't know about the fast process for pregnant women).
<![if !supportLists]>·             <![endif]>In fact, ACCESS can answer questions and help with all of the practical issues - referrals, getting Medi-cal, rides, childcare, meals, a place to stay, etc. Call them. The other 2 hotlines can help too and if they can't...
<![if !supportLists]>·             <![endif]>We have researched transportation options, so we can help with that, including paying for transportation, and you can eat and stay with us during it and recovery.
Options, if you want them. Your life. Your decision.
