
Thursday, February 25, 2021

Google, what gives? Are you ok?

Google Giving Me Cold Shoulder: What Does It Think I Did To Deserve It?

So unlike you, Google, to be absentminded.  I am worried about you.  I searched for a page on this blog that I know exists & got nothing.  By name.  In quotes.

Bing could find it.

So I am posting to see if I could thus finagle a screenshot, the better to feedback you with, my dear.



Monday, February 15, 2021

Hixie's Data Kitchen, Cloned Various Ways, Many Via Itself, To Produce Embeddable Standalone Instance (an experiment)

Will it work? Which one, if any? Why? Why should you care? So may questions!

Here in temporal order are my ill-fated attempts. If you just want one that works for some reason, click or tap here or scroll to bottom, for the one I found in the wild, written by some Thinkenstein (that's pronounced 'Thahnk-ehn-shteen' no doubt) apparently named Mr. Simon Willison Hats off to the gods who walk among us. It teh best goodestly one I can haz in teh magic box thingy at end see.

entering it's own URL address into its own form:

entering it's own URL address into its own form then checking box for selecting base64:

viewing source then entering that into form:

manually viewing source then encoding via command-line:

retrieving page then encoding, both via command-line:

retieving HTML source via command-line, pasting content into text area; in a new tab, browsing up one level in directory to find form's cgi-script source (; opening new tab with fresh instance of Data Kitchen, under URL entering that script address, checking box for base64; copying returned URI; noticing that the mime-type returned (text/html) is wrong; changing the mime-type to accurately reflect the type of the cgi-script encoded (application/x-perl); adding "type" parameter to the form tag of the HTML source with the value of that corrected mime-type, adding "src" parameter to the form tag of the HTML source changing "action" parameter so that the value is not "data" but a paste of that perl cgi script's corrected-mime-type base64 encoded address instead; copypasting entire new improved HTML source into original Data URI Kitchen content field, checking box for base64; copying resultant long-ass base64 encoded address to insert as value for "src" parameter of iframe tag in blogger, which allegedly sometimes will arbitrarily cockblock innocent experiments such as this; crossing fingers crossing two sets crossed fingers... didn't

all that but changing "post" to "get" before encoding iframe address, then crossing toes as well, didn't work... so

changing get back to post, encoding script WITHOUT base64 box checked; adding .pl to the end of the address; checking to make sure it rendered on my machine; then inserting that as value for action parameter of form in a virtual script tag formatted like as per this page; re-encoding iframe address yet again, crossing all the above, crossing my legs, thinking about where to get a live black chicken to sacrifice:

and last but best, what i found in the wild, here:


Feel free to comment.

Be seeing you.