you're bringing me down. Search results SUCK. Someone had to tell you. It's like it's 2002 all over again -- and I am searching on AOL! WTF?? So I'm sorry, but I just found out Bing has better results. Its seems high rankings are not just auctioned off. Posts I know correspond to search criteria are found.
For an example, here's the a search with Google for a regular blog post installment I used to post regularly to my political blog MWKPA (for Music What Kicketh Political Ass):
Here is the same exact search with Bing:
Please do not lie and tell me there are only a handful of results when I myself have authored many more!
I'd rather be searching with Google. Google always had the best parameters, the best results, the best cache. I miss you!! I don't mind if a search takes longer. Please give me a reason to come back!
Thank you for listening.